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Events & Activities

Community Lay Forum

Lay forum promoting good health for the aging population every SATURDAYS starts at 8am! Register now!

Adult Day Care Activities

Activities & Socialization are vital components in promoting sharp minds & independence for Aging People. Here in La Verna Age Care Village we emphasize on conducting programs that the elderly people will definitely enjoy. We invite you & your love ones to join us on the following dates:



Philippines Marikina Heights

We are in need  of a nurse who has the passion to take care of the Elderly People.

House Keeper

Philippines Marikina Heights

We need hard working House Keepers who are willing to stay at the facility.

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Articles & Quotes

POEMS by Jojo Fresnedi

Ageing Gracefully, Note #1

A Lunch, The Possibility, and Fleur Adcock's "Weathering"

A few years ago, a friend of mine celebrated his 65th birthday. Asked what he'd like to look forward to, my friend paused to ponder the question. With palpable reservation, he answered meekly, “Gee, I really don’t know. I’ve never been 65 before.” Spot on. For there are tons of advice on how to succeed, but hardly any on ageing gracefully.

That was the topic of our lunch meeting at the Enderun Colleges the other day. Dr. Miguel Ramos, President Edgardo Rodriguez, Adjunct Faculty Raul Rodriguez, and I would like to do something about this gap. We're going to make it exciting!

Meanwhile, I’d be posting notes on the subject every now and then. I'll start with Fleur Adcock’s poem, “Weathering.” It’s about forsaking vanities for something nourishing and life-giving ...


My face catches the wind
from the snow line
and flushes with a flush
that will never wholly settle.
Well, that was a metropolitan vanity,
wanting to look young forever, to pass.
I was never a pre-Raphaelite beauty
and only pretty enough to be seen
with a man who wanted to be seen
with a passable woman.

But now that I am in love
with a place that doesn't care
how I look and if I am happy,
happy is how I look and that's all.
My hair will grow grey in any case,
my nails chip and flake,
my waist thicken, and the years
work all their usual changes.

If my face is to be weather beaten as well,
it's little enough lost
for a year among the lakes and vales
where simply to look out my window
at the high pass
makes me indifferent to mirrors
and to what my soul may wear
over its new complexion.

- with Rhodora Palomar-Fresnedi

283 Gen. Ordoñez St., Marikina Heights
Marikina City, Philippines 1810
Land Line: (02) 7747 0857

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Mobile: (+63) 966 952 6711

Available Time: 10 AM - 5 PM
Available Day: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

HR (for Job Applications)


We Specialize on the Following:
Senior Residential Services
Assisted Living
Long Term Care
Dementia Care
Day Care Services
Hospice Care
Respite Care

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